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Capromab pendetide

Mechanism of action

Murine monoclonal antibody whose target is prostate-specific membrane antigen. The antibody carries a scintigraphic agent, indium-111, to its target for diagnostic imaging purposes.


0.5 mg radiolabeled with 5 mCi of In111 chloride IV over five minutes.


Used in patients with clinically localized disease, patients with biopsy-proven, newly diagnosed prostate cancer, and those at high risk for pelvic lymph node metastasis. May also be indicated in patients after prostatectomy who have a rising prostate-specific antigen level with stable or absent metastatic disease with suspicion of occult metastasis. Not indicated for use after radiation therapy.

This medication is not to be used as a screening tool for prostate cancer.

Side Effects

Possible allergic reaction.

Nursing Considerations

Not to be used to assess response to treatment.

May be readministered if scan results are inadequate.

The results achieved with capromab pendetide should be evaluated with the results of other diagnostic studies. Specifically, it is recommended that metastatic results be confirmed with histology before treating the disease with surgery or radiation therapy.

Adhere to radiation precautions of time, distance, and shielding.

Bone scans are more sensitive for the detection of metastases to bone.

Administered by a health professional who is qualified to handle radionucleotides.

Two images are acquired, the first at 30 minutes and the second at 72–120 hours after administration of the medication.