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Mechanism of action

Inhibits the terminal components of complement, reducing hemolysis


600 mg via 35-minute IV infusion every 7 days for the first four weeks, followed by 900 mg for the fifth dose 7 days later, then 900 mg every 14 days thereafter


Indicated for the treatment of patients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria to reduce hemolysis

Side Effects

Effects include headache, nasopharyngitis, back pain, and nausea.

Eculizumab increases the risk of meningococcal infections. Vaccinate patients with a meningococcal vaccine at least two weeks prior to receiving the first dose of eculizumab; revaccinate according to current medical guidelines for vaccine use.

Monitor patients for early signs of meningococcal infections; evaluate immediately if infection is suspected; and treat with antibiotics if necessary.

Nursing Considerations

Do not administer as an IV push or bolus.

Dilute to a final concentration of 5 mg/ml prior to administration.

Administer by IV infusion over 35 minutes.

Do not use in patients with unresolved serious Neisseria meningitides infection or those who are not currently vaccinated against Neisseria meningitides.

FDA Approval

Manufacturer's prescribing information dated March 16, 2007