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Mechanism of action

Binds to the keratinocyte growth factor receptor, resulting in proliferation, differentiation, and migration of epithelial cells.


Recommended dose is 60 mcg/kg/day, administered as an IV bolus injection for three consecutive days before and three consecutive days after myelotoxic therapy for a total of 6 doses.

The first three doses should be administered prior to myelotoxic therapy with the third dose 24 to 48 hours before myelotoxic therapy.

The last three doses should start after, but on the same day of hematopoietic stem cell infusion and at least 4 days after the most recent administration of palifermin.


Indicated to decrease the incidence and duration of severe oral mucositis in patients with hematologic malignancies receiving myelotoxic therapy requiring hematopoietic stem cell support.

Side Effects

Skin rash (erythema, edema, pruritus), oral toxicities, pain arthralgias and dysesthesia. Other effects include hypertension, proteinuria, reversible elevation in serum lipase and amylase.

Nursing Considerations

Flush IV line with normal saline before and after palifermin administration.

Do not administer palifermin within 24 hours before, during infusion of, or within 24 hours after administration of myelotoxic chemotherapy.